How to Find Hope in God

Are you wondering how to find hope in God in a hopeless situation? My prayer is that as you read the following words, you will receive hope, strength, and encouragement to get through whatever difficult circumstances you are currently facing.

Let's Begin

How to Find Hope in God Conceptual PhotoYou Can Find Hope in God Today
©Vicki Bell

To begin, I'd like to share with you something I call my PrayerSong. It's a prayer that I sing and a song that I pray. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit and birthed during a time of extremely difficult circumstances in my life.

This PrayerSong is a testimony of God's grace and love that enabled me to get through a very long, very dark, very deep valley. Life had literally ceased to make any sense, and I no longer had the strength to hold onto God.

In my weakness, brokenness, and with no hope, the most faith-filled prayer I could pray at that time was "Jesus, never let me go" and that became my initial PrayerSong. I prayed and sang this over and over: "Jesus, never let me go."

Then one day from deep within, I had the most incredible realization of who I am without God and became so aware that if He ever left me I was sunk. In the very next breath, I believe the Holy Spirit sang through me to me who I am with God even when circumstances are cruel and make no sense.

A Ray of Hope

I gradually started to feel so thankful and grateful to God for just being there with me in the midst of such awful circumstances. The circumstances hadn't changed, but it was enough that He was with me.

In Psalm 23, in the Bible, the writer talks about walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and then declares that he will fear no evil for God is with him. Like the writer of that Psalm, my PrayerSong made real to me the Lord's very presence. I knew my heavenly Father was with me and that was sufficient.

After this, Scriptures about God's faithfulness and His never leaving me became very real and became part of my PrayerSong.

A day or so later, it was as if the Holy Spirit then gave directions how to walk with Him day by day in the midst of those terrible circumstances. These too became part of the PrayerSong.

That path eventually led me out of the dark valley. It didn't happen instantly or overnight and in fact, it took a long time, but it happened — step by step.

Step by step, day by day, God gave me strength to walk through the valley, and the PrayerSong was my walking song.

How to Find Hope in God Today

Many years have passed since then, but even today this PrayerSong remains very precious to me. It's a testimony of what God did in the past, and it reminds me how to walk with my Lord now in the present, day by day, no matter how good or how bad the circumstances. God's Word brings hope!

I believe that when someone who is in their own valley of difficult circumstances listens to this PrayerSong, the Lord wants to give them hope. He wants them to know that He is with them, He is holding onto them, and He is the strength they need to get through their valley no matter how long it takes.

Listen to My PrayerSong

Please take a few minutes to listen with your heart to my PrayerSong. Close your eyes and let the Lord minister to you through it.

Receive hope.

Receive strength, comfort, and encouragement.

Receive Christ.

He is with you and...

He will never let you go!

PrayerSong Album Cover

(5:08 min.)

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